Join us for our חנוכה program in the M.R.A. 76 and be מקבל to be מחסום your phone completely in Shul and the Bais Medrash
Make the leap and help rededicate your own
מקדש מעט
Make the leap and help rededicate your own
מקדש מעט
During the period of the Second Bais Hamikdash, the Kingdom of יון,Greece, spiritually endangered Klal Yisroel. Their decrees against Judaism as well as the corruption of Greek society threatened to drown out the light of the Torah. Many Jews became Hellenized, adopting the hedonistic values of the Greeks, as well as their various gods.
One group of people rose up to resist this threat- the חשמונאים, Mattisyahu and his sons. With the cry of מי לה' עלי they became known as the Maccabim. They stood up for their beliefs and were able to successfully stem the tide of Greek influence. The battle of the Maccabim, however, is not over; the culture that surrounds us is as bad, if not worse as it seeps into our very essence. Once again our בתי מקדש מעט are under attack as the culture of יון breaches the walls of our בתי מדרש. Take a stand and fight back. Join the Maccabi Revival Act and commit to No Phone in Shul or Bais Medrash Answer the call of 'מי לה עלי and join today |